2023 : bucket-list travel and a wedding


What a year! We are so blessed to both be in good health and able to continue our lives in beautiful San Luis Obispo and travel the country and the world.

We started 2023 with a Panama Canal crossing and cruise/tour of the Pacific coast of Panama and Costa Rica. Upon our return to the US we visited friends in Florida and Alabama ending with 2 days in New Orleans while missing the big rains/floods at home. February found us in the Phoenix area visiting friends and early March brought us to Hilton Head and Savannah. At the end of March, we took our Pandemic-delayed educational trip to Cuba. July brought a Rhine river cruise as well as the annual Festival Mozaic. August started with the winery wedding of our daughter Lara to Ian Pena - a true merger of families in the spirit of love! In mid-August we headed off to Johannesburg to start our southern Africa safari and tour of Cape Town. Which was then followed by friends and family visits to Chicago and Detroit for Reunions, and we culminated our October travel with a delightful cultural tour of NYC with fellow Festival Mozaic fans- our last non-CA travel for the year. We are closing out the year joining the U of Michigan alumni group at the Rose Bowl and parade – we hope they win, but Alabama is a tough opponent!

Our two 16 year old grandchildren – Faith Stewart and Myles Miller are driving and visiting colleges and the youngest Isaac Miller is in high school (now that makes us feel old).

Rick continues to consult on projects and Jo Anne continues to participate in the early-stage investing world as well as assuming the leadership of the Festival Mozaic board for a third (non-consecutive) term.

May 2024 bring some degree of Peace to this world and Love to all!

We love visitors and welcome one and all.
Find us online at rickmiller@rnm-eng.com (415-307-5106) and joannemiller@rnm-eng.com (415-290-3017)

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